The coupling reaction means that the RX (X = halogen, phosphoacetate plasma group, R dihydrocarbyl group, aromatic hydrocarbon group, alkenyl group, allyl group, pendant group, alkynyl group, etc.) is coupled with the metal reagent to form carbon- carbon bond under the function of metal catalysts. The palladium complex catalyst exhibits a specific property in the coupling and cyclization reactions, that is, it serves as a powerful tool for the successful formation of C-C bonds.

The self-developed catalysts for coupling reactions are as follows:

* Catalyst for ullmann Reaction 5%Pd/C with a yield rate of more than 90%

* Catalyst for heck Coupling Reaction 5%Pd/C with a yield rate of more than 75%

* Catalyst for suzuki Coupling Reaction 5%Pd/C with a yield rate of more than 80%

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